The easiest way to answer this question is that we need you to supply a PRINT READY PDF file.
For best printing results we need a minimum or 300 dpi, converted to CMYK color, all fonts need to be outlined or embedded.
Specify the trim area with crop marks (please don’t place any in the working area).
Please add a minimum or 1/8″ (.125″) bleed on all edges of your job and a 1/8″ (.125″) SAFE AREA within the cut area, this area will include all text.
Please follow these guidelines and CAREFULLY CHECK the completed files before uploading.
This will greatly reduce any error and ensure your complete satisfaction with the final print job.
You can email or call if you have any questions.
To Summarize:
* Minimum Resolution 300 dpi
* CMYK color
* Outline or embed all fonts
* Specify trim area with crop marks
* Artwork should have 1/8″ (.125) bleed from trim line
* All text should be within SAFE AREA, 1/8″ (.125) away from trim line